Well although we've been a bit quiet lately things are still rolling along nicely; we've been busy fund raising and out riding so haven't posted much but rest assured we're still here!
We do have some exciting, but unconfirmed, news relating to donations so look out for more information on this shortly.
Now on to the issue of Membership Applications:
Over the last few weeks we've had many membership applications but haven't kept up too well, the truth is that up until recently we knew all the new members and so hadn't really tested out our joining process fully (we were able to give them any paperwork/membership cards in person). The reality is that the vast majority of applications are now from new people outside of our pre-existing riding circles. This places far greater importance on our membership application procedure - namely our ability to successfully communicate the fact that we've received their money/application and what they should do/look out for next. To be honest we've been pretty bad at doing this.
Now of course we do keep a secure record of every application, associated payment and photo info but this isn't the issue; we just haven't been getting back to the applicants once they've signed up. This has obviously got to change.
So we held a committee meeting last night and discussed this issue in some detail - our aim being to come up with a better way of dealing with new membership applications. The outcome was positive, and will be implemented in the next two weeks.
So if you have already joined but are waiting for some communication from us; rest assured that we will be doing so very shortly. And if you are thinking of joining; well we'll be improving the whole process to make it easier (including a paypal facility we hope) and ensure that you're not left wondering if we've received your details.
We're committed to getting things right and aren't too proud to admit when we're wrong.
So; here's to getting better...
I haven’t got mine yet :o(