Thanks to everyone for all their hard work, I'm really pleased that everyone enjoyed themselves so much - makes it all worthwhile.
Both days had a great relaxed atmosphere with banter and conversation being just as cool as actually riding. Spoons and BBMS are like new - each riding fast and maturing nicely. Rudolph got the go ahead and will be a great addition, with work already under way on its build, and the jump spot is progressing fantastically.
Wills riding effort was v impressive, as was his eagerness to do his fair share.
Bens commitment to 'pinning it' was a cut above, as always, his shear passion for the BCC, and good sportsmanship.
Staceys effort whilst carrying his son on his back and Darrens with his injured shoulder.
Garry with his kind generosity (gotta love sausages!) and tree hugging screams.
Tom for always taking pics that capture the day.
Chris for sorting out our freelap.
All the dirt jumpers for creating a monster.
Neil, Rob and Ian for their high standards and always giving their all - raking till their forearms are ready to pop.
And of course everyone else for getting involved.
Our new timing system was fantastic, allowed everyone to set personal goals and wind eachother up. Expect some club races in the near future...
Ben and Will were chosen as the joint winners of the prize draw due to their unrivaled passion and commitment. Ben won the coin toss but gave Will the tyres feeling that he deserved them more, a very kind gesture that captured the mood of the weekend; everyone pulling in the same direction, egging eachother on and giving their all.
Great weather, great people and great sausages!
Bring on the next club weekend...