One of our targets has been to get a permanent XC trail implemented in the area . The benefits of this, if done right, are huge and so it's been no secret that we've been pushing hard (behind the scenes) to make it happen. We're not there yet, in fact we're barely at the start of this project but I can now say that we've passed a couple of key mile stones:
- We now have a verbal agreement (from Longleat) to route a trail through the surrounding woodland, pending a detailed review of our plans.
- We are in talks with an expert trail builder who is wiling to be involved in the design and construction of such a trail.
These may seem to be small steps, especially seeing as neither is more than a promise to consider our plans. But I can't emphasise enough how many pitfalls there are to realising such a project - so any hint of good news is good news in my book.
By securing the input of someone who really knows what makes a good trail we can be sure that no matter how big the area, or small the hill we can build something to be proud of. So a few months back we contacted Russell Burton who agreed to meet up for a walk around the allotment and a chat. Russell, who lives local to the area, seemed excited by what we were attempting and happy to help out. At this stage we had nothing but a pipe dream, no commitment from Longleat just an idea. But now that Longleat have agreed with our plans in principle, now we're cooking!
So, since speaking with Longleat we've sourced a detailed map of the woodland, marked up the area we intend to use and sent Russell an e-mail outlining a basic brief (click here: Dear Russell... to see the e-mail) to get the ball rolling. Nothing is confirmed nor is any one's involvement guaranteed but we're making progress and must attempt to maintain this momentum.
We'll be detailing the progress of this, and all our other projects, here on the website so check back to see how we're getting on. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to help then please contact me via phone or e-mail.