Warminster Wobble

Hunters Moon

Hunters Moon; great place to stop and refuel...

Saturday was the 'ride day' of the Warminster Wobble. Along with the buggy ride, the organisers held a road ride and an MTB taster.

"5 miles of gentle MTB for all" was the hook, so with an open invite we had no idea just how many would give it a go. Thankfully the number was manageable, with two qualified ride leaders and myself we were able to keep things running smoothly. All in there must have been around 30 participants, from newbie to expert, pre teen to "I remember when I was a teen". The weather was glorious and everyone had a smile on their face. Special mention should be given to Andy and Jon of the Plain Green (Military) MTB club in Warminster who officially ran the ride and did a great job. You'll not meet a more friendly, enthusiastic and genuine couple of blokes.

Aside from a few chain problems, some wet feet and an earwig attack the ride was enjoyed by all, most of whom hadn't ridden their bikes in ages, let alone off road.

In true BCC fashion we all stopped off for a drink and bite to eat at the end of the ride. It was nice to meet everyone and see how much fun they had; it's great when you look at something through the eyes of a novice as it reminds you of all the little things you take for granted; the buzz of riding through a deep puddle, sense of achievement when you ride over a log or thrill when you ride your first bit of single track.

Hopefully the wobble will inspire people to ride their bikes a little more often, and perhaps off road once in a while.

For more information on the wobble see here: http://www.warminsterwobble.co.uk/

Comment (1)

  1. Gordon

    I’m very glad it went well.
    The road ride was pretty good a few dropped by the way side and a few traveled all the way past Salisbury and still caught the rest up on the way back to Warminster.

    Next year if it happens should be better.

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