For over a year we've run the 'BCC Weekender' every month. The format was simple, a whole weekend of BCC goodness; Dig Day on Saturday, and TickerTape (our timed DH event) on Sunday. Lush.
The events have been a real success; new trails being built, existing trails getting plenty of TLC and everyone enjoying riding against the clock on our fully taped DH courses.
The only problem has been getting people to both events. While the idea of a whole weekend on MTB trail building and riding sounds great, the reality is that people often found it hard to commit to both days meaning they had to choose, and no one likes a catch 22.
So we've decided to change the format, making it the BCC Split Weekender. Essentially every two weeks we'll run either a Dig Day or TickerTape, alternating between the two. This way we'll also be able to vary the day we hold each so that people who have weekend commitments can make each once in a while.
Don't worry; the format of each will remain the same; Dig Day's boasting tea, coffee, cake and biscuits along with plenty of trail building, and TickerTape with it's relaxed atmosphere, banter and great trails - We're just making them more accessible so that everybody can join in the fun!
We'll be sending out reminders to all our members and affiliates via e-mail, and will publish the event dates on the website in good time. Our website calender is broken right now though, but will be fixed real soon...
...So in the mean time, here are the next two dates:
Sunday 16th August 2009 - Dig Day, 09:00 - 17:00, Stay as long as you like, any and all help is greatly appreciated! Plenty of refreshments, (See the Trail Development Plan for current trail plans)
Sunday 30th August 2009 - TickerTape, 10:00-15:00, no pressure, relaxed DH timing event, taped course, spot prizes, full face helmets only (if being timed), other trails open all day.
See you there!