
TickerTape Mixup

Ok everything's falling into place now and I can't wait to ride tomorrow!

Hopefully we'll get a good turn out, remember that spectators are welcome and will also be treated to food and drink.

The prizes are pretty awesome too, we've got transition stems, pedals and saddles along with a load of T's! Prizes will be awarded on the same basis as always (most effort, best style, most improved etc etc) with the TickerTape sticker and plenty of kudos going to the fastest rider down the hill. We'll also be giving away some prizes drawn randomly out of a hat so everyone is in with a chance to get some goodies.

It seems that an MBUK photographer is now going to be there, along with Chris Smith, Steve Geal, the Transition guys and our current world champion (no wait; it's just Neil on a replica frame)....so there'll be plenty of opportunity to check out how the pros ride the trails we know and love.

See you all tomorrow!

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