I think the headline tells you most of the stuff you need to know so get it stuck in your diary and follow the instructions below for a festive evening of general merriment.
The evening will start at 7pm with the aim of eating at 8pm. Some hardy night riders may wish to do a short ride before and arrive at the pub around 8 o'clock.
This social is open to all members plus a partner (please contact me if you want to invite additional guests) and I would like to think that a good mixture of XC, DJ and DH riders will attend. This will be an excellent opportunity to meet other members or catch up with members you may have ridden with but never seen without a full face helmet on!
The Horse and Groom can accommodate 32 diners so seats will have to be on a first come, first served basis. Alternatively, you are welcome to join us for drinks.
The next step is choosing food from the menu
Please e mail me (simon.truelove@blackcanoncollective.co.uk) with your menu choices and send me a cheque (payable to "Black Canon Collective") for the full amount (£16.95 for 3 courses or £13.00 for 2 courses). If you want to pay by cash (do not send by post) I will be at the tickertape jam at the weekend and I'm usually out on the Tuesday night rides too (but please bring the correct amount as I might not have change).
For the address to send cheques to please see the forum thread http://www.southerndownhill.com/forum/index.php/topic,211588.msg1752645.html#msg1752645 or ask for my address when you send your menu choices.
There are a maximum of 32 spaces - lets see if we can fill the whole joint!
Please send me your menu choices and cheque before next Tuesday so that I can confirm the number of attendees
See you all soon