It was a clear moonlight night; was it our imagination or was Chris looking a little bit more hirsute than normal? Time to get that razor set to No.2 for a quick once-over? Having set off at a spanking pace, everyone was warming up; until an unexpected shower set in and did a great job of cooling everyone down. The route was chosen bearing the conditions in mind, so it was far from a horrific mud-fest. Maybe I should have borne the conditions in mind a little more instead of blasting down the last descent at my usual speed and taking a horizontal approach to the ditch. May have to add a brake-lever repair to my list for my lovely local mechanic tomorrow! The pub was cosy with spd shoes and 5/10s drying nicely by the fire. The craic was as good as usual, with some enthusiasm for additional rides and event dates being planned for next season. Watch this space!?
4th November 2009Archive, News, Weekly Night Ride
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I hope my mate Adam has been going to the night rides, whish I could be there.