As was previously announced Sunday 25th April 2010 will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
One of the activities that takes place at the AGM is the voting for the members of the committee for the next year, but for the vote to go ahead (and for the club to be successful) we need to have people who put themselves forward to take on roles within the club and dedicate time and energy towards helping the club to run and progress.
If you think that you have the time and skills that mean you could make a contribution to the club as a committee member then then please e-mail me ( setting out which role you would like to stand for, and a few paragraphs setting out why you would be suitable for the role.
These e-mails must reach me by 10/04/10 and I will then publish all of them the day after, giving plenty of time for all the members to read, digest and consider who they will vote for at the AGM.
Below are the committee roles that you can stand for:
The three Trustee roles(club officers, underwrite the club to Longleat, account signatories and have vote on all club activities. Essential roles for club to function):
Chairman - responsible for steering the club and overseeing all its activities including overall trail development.
Club Secretary - responsible for all membership and meeting related administration for the club.
Treasurer - responsible for keeping records of all financial transactions, setting budgets and maintaining accounts for the club.
All Health and Safety, Insurance, and legal issues will be the responsibility of the Trustees.
General Committee Roles:
Website/IT - responsible for facilitating and maintaining the clubs IT & Website needs.
DH - a focal point for DH specific trail development and activities.
XC - a focal point for XC specific trail development and activities.
DJ - a focal point for DJ specific trail development and activities.
I hope to receive your "applications" soon!