Yesterday was a glorious day, the sun was shining and our little allotment was crawling with people raking, digging, clearing and collecting.
Russell Burton spent a couple of hours teaching Neil and I how to route XC trails with clinometers and some magic numbers. We learnt loads and are really looking forward to our next lesson in a few weeks time before restarting work on E-17.
18 people made it out and collectively managed to rake and remark every DH trail, clear and rebuild some tired drainage and add some new drainage in too.
Puppets saw an awesome effort that has left it looking more tech and difficult than ever before. The old berm at the bottom of 'battery hill' has been completely removed and the beginnings of the new are well underway. But time ran out as did the timber supply so the trail's been closed until the next dig day where we'll finish it off and move on to the lower section.
Thanks to everyone for all their hard work ...and for eating all the doughnuts!