Without the people who put themselves forward to take on club roles and dedicate time and energy towards helping the club to run and progress there would be no club. So thanks to all of this years candidates...
Only one candidate is standing for each role this year, meaning that the vote will be made in favour of the candidate or to call for the nominations to be re-opened at an EGM. Voting will only be possible by members attending the AGM on the 25th April 2010 so please make sure you come along!
The three Trustee roles (club officers, underwrite the club to Longleat, account signatories and have vote on all club activities. All Health and Safety, Insurance, and legal issues will be the responsibility of the Trustees. Essential roles for club to function):
(Responsible for steering the club and overseeing all its activities including overall trail development)
Candidate - Andrew Denham
As with last year, I am focused upon further developing the club's relationship with Longleat and the many other forest users, with a view to developing the allotment and surrounding area into a focal point for the local MTB community. I hope that my impact as Chairman over the past 2 years will be viewed as a positive one, having steered the club towards acheiving many of its goals, and hope to continue into year 3...
(Responsible for all membership and meeting related administration for the club)
Candidate - Ian Crook
If elected as secretary I hope to continue to become more efficient at processing membership forms, replying to e-mails and generating meeting minutes.
I am most passionate about introducing novice riders to the club, mainly so I'm better than someone!
(Responsible for keeping records of all financial transactions, setting budgets and maintaining accounts for the club)
Candidate - Simon Truelove
I see myself as a rider. Not an XC rider or a DH rider, just someone who rides a bike and wants the local area to have a vibrant riding scene and some fantastic trails.
The Treasurer's report (at the AGM) will show that my budget setting for last year will enable continual growth of the club and its activities. I don't have any formal accountancy training, but I do have some handy maths skillz!
General Committee roles (a focal point for discipline specific trail development and activities):
XC Rep
Candidate - Chris Sheppard
As XC Representative I'd like to continue the development of the XC dimension to the club in terms of activities and rider development too. Whether it be someone new to mountain biking learning basic skills or someone training to compete.
DH Rep
Candidate - Ben Irons
I have been riding and building at the DH trails at Longleat for the past 7 years.
As DH Representative I’d like to see more DH trails developed with greater input from club members –encouraging members to test their ideas out by ‘sessioning’ together at dig days, testing alterations so as to produce even more great trails.
Freeride Rep
Candidate - Chris Smith
I would like to have the chance to represent the Black Canon Collective on the Freeride side of things again. I hope to use my experience – travelling the world competing and building freeride lines – and the potential of the site to build something special, a great skills area that caters for all.
IT & Welfare Officer
(Responsible for facilitating and maintaining the clubs IT & Website needs. Contact point for all Walfare issues also)
Candidate - Alastair Mackinlay
I'd like to put myself forward to the Website/IT position within the club. I've been handling the role for the past 2 years, and day to day work with websites and IT as an IT Consultant. I also run the back end for southerndownhill.com and am now familiar with WordPress and BBPress which the club uses for its website and forum. I'm a slow, social rider.