Eleven of us set off from the Horse and Groom last night, it was proper cold with a clear sky and a bright full moon.
Within a mile from the pub Paul had a mech through spokes incident and he and Adrian were heading for an early pint.
Nine of us continued, the trails were sticky in places but on the whole good for November. We rode a trail the far side of Centre Parcs that we found quite recently and we've called 'Vancouver' (Al's fault)
After crossing the ford on our way home to the H&G we noticed the grass was white with frost, a taster of what's to come but it does feel nice when you're toasty warm from your exercise and yet it's freezing.
We had our pints in front of the open fire while discussing the Ceilidh and where to ride Sunday.
If you'd like to try a night ride please contact us we can even loan lights 🙂