It’s that time of year again, the leaves are falling and the trails look like they’re being swallowed whole by the forest floor. To keep them open and visible it’s really important that we put in the time to clear the leaves and unblock the drainage – activities that will form the basis of every dig day throughout the winter.
We’ve also got the looming darkness working against us so we’ll keep the winter dig days short and sharp. 10:00 – 15:00.
Remember these activities mean that we can continue to enjoy riding at The Allotment through the winter, once they are done we can start on new features, such as the very top of Puppets.
Hope to see you there, remember warm clothes, food and drink.
Ian sorry to be a miserable b**ger but can we get these events on the calendar as early as possible as I need a bit more organisation.
Hi Andrew
Sorry I am it the library helping with local issue’s on cycle routes in.around Warminster.
if it is raining I will make a turn out! no one likes a road ride in the rain