Unfortunately we've decided to cancel tomorrow's TickerTape race for the following reasons:
1. We can't get a vehicle anywhere near the trails, this is important as we all know that people do on occasion need to go to casualty (last month for example!).
2. Even once cleared of snow (no small task to clear all 500mtrs of trail) the trail is largely frozen underneath.
3. The temperature is set to stay at around -3 to -1 tomorrow http://bbc.in/fbPioo so it won't thaw out..
So, I'm afraid to say that the event is too dangerous to hold.
The winter series will now be 4 rounds, next month will now be Spoons, then BBMS in Feb and the special event in March which will be on the Dinner 'til Dusk Descent (MCC).
Here's a video of the trail, turn up the sound and you can hear the 'ting' of the rake on the frozen ground: http://yfrog.us/jc69201837z
Please spread the word...
wow thats a lot of snow
Umm it was more like -5…..probably for the best