(will Curtis manage to destroy the field again? he's been practising...)
This month it's BBMS.
You know, the really tight singletrack descent with lots of roots and awkward off-camber.
Yeah, that one.
Yeeeeeeesss the one with that horrible double root combination on the tight corner right near the bottom.
It will be slippery, you're right.
Well then you'll have to slow down for it!
No, it's staying in.
Because it's the same for everyone, and will make for some very interesting racing.
I know, it'll be awesome!
See you there, racing starts at 11 and finishes at 3.
Turn up early if you'd like to help out, it's always appreciated.
Oh, and don't forget to bring a small donation, £2 should do it.
Im afraid I wont be there in the morinig as I have a trial but will shoot down afterwards to getin some runs!
Gutted i cant make this, BBMS is my track!
Same, cant make this TickerTape
Right then…..
Curtis, but what about the overall?