The world famous* Tickertape downhill event is back for Christmas.
Celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus by tearing up his favourite Wiltshire downhill trails on December 29th at the Allotment.
There will be a new track, made up from some of the best bits of the old tracks and some new bits.
The format will be the same as before. Timed runs and heroic riding from 12:00 – 15:00. As many timed runs as you want (no watch hogging). The track will be suitable for all abilities.
As always help with setting up from 10:00 will be very much appreciated, as will cake and mince pies!
Full face helmets must be worn, armour is recommended, club members only. Fancy dress is up to you!
* Famous in our world at least.
sound good to me 😀
but boo at the Christmas stuff