We're extremely proud to announce the details of our very first AGM! Aside from the necessary undertakings this will be a great opportunity to all meet up, have a drink, some food and celebrate our first whole year as the BCC, something we should all be proud of!
The full details of the meeting are below:
AGM Agenda - Year 1 (2009)
Time: 19:00 hrs
Date: 29/03/2009
Location: Horse & Groom, East Woodlands, BA11 5LY
(The club has been given full use of the conservatory for the evening).
Meeting to commence at 19:15hrs
1.Welcome - General welcome and explanation of the purpose of the meeting.
2.Apologies for absence - Notable absentees
3.Treasurers Report + Accounts - Presentation of previous years accounts + proposal of forthcoming years budget.
4.Chairman's report - Summary of the year including plans for the coming year
5.15 Minute Break - Refreshments + time to vote (see item 6).
6.Election of the Trustees and Committee - Conducted via ballet box on the day, only full members being able to vote.
7.Proposed changes to the Rules of the Club and Constitution - Changes voted in by way of an open vote.
8.A.O.B. - Anything from the floor / committee
The meeting will be followed by Drinks, Food (to be provided by the club) and fund raising raffle / or similar.
Approximate duration 1-2 hrs (allowing for A.O.B of approx 1/2 hr)
We will announce the finer details of the committee election process by the 20th of February.
Please all come along, it will be a great evening and an opportunity to have your say on any club issue plus voting will only be open to those who attend.