Today saw the first TickerTape Mixup.
With so many of our members away / busy this weekend and some last minute event organising (well we only came up with the event a couple of days ago...) we knew not to expect loads of people. However those who did make it had a cracking time each being totally consumed by their internal competitive spirit after only their first timed run.
Ed gave the most beans by clocking up twice as many runs as everybody else, improving consistantly all day and reaching his target time.
Chris Smith didn't quite manage the 37 sec run he was so sure was possible, but then a tree clip to stem ride to face plant combo probably had something to do with that.
Boin made a long awaited return but after over 8 weeks out was just off the top pace, though don't underestimate his ability to set some frankly silly times when in the zone.
Ian set the benchmark time he wanted but with half his run spent frantically trying to clip in it's one he's looking to beat convincingly next time.
New members Simon and Nigel gave it a bash too, each finding out that a ticking clock seems to act as a crash magnet....
The winner of a brand new pair of KENDA Blue Groove 2.35 StickE tyres was Ed for showing some real dedication.
Chris was later seen clutching the TickerTape trophy as if the winner of a race, with Ben and Ed either side of him (see pic for dodgy facial expressions). Odd really as this definitely wasn't a race, at all, honest. No really.
Next month we'll be taping Spoons with an alternative top get practicing if you want to win one of the prizes or get your hands on the oh so coveted TickerTape trophy.