We had a good turn-out for the first evening ride to be aimed at less experienced riders. We set off with a fairly casual attitude route-wise, deciding to follow the Tues night direction, but to keep to wider tracks when possible. A few wannabe's also turned up (including Andrew, Alastair and Colin) but they were dismissed to find their own less comfortable pace up ahead.
We were soon bowling along towards Shepherd's Wood, warming up and getting better acquainted. The chat diminished on the first climb. However, a few enforced stops so as not to frighten the horses or the previously mentioned sub-group that we met on the way, allowed us to get our breath back. Mark was our token-male, and we were grateful to him for encouraging us to take a little detour in order to admire the beautiful carpet of bluebells in the woods.
Everyone made it safely through the ford, and special mention should be given to Juliet who sailed through without a hitch. Reckon it was being with us girls that got rid of the jinx! Caroline, Maria, Rachel and Juliet were setting the pace, whilst Leanne, Mark and myself lurked at the back. The evening stayed fine, the tracks were dry, and we soon arrived at the allotment. Here the newcomers were given their first opportunity to see Andrew and Chris bomb down 143. Suitably impressed (probably), it was on to Shearwater. Leanne and I took an early bath, so-to-speak, and were first in the pub for chips and other refreshments.
The new ride seems a success with people keen for another. I'll be out next Sunday, with or without a hangover. Who else is up for it?
Hi Marjory,
The Sunday ladies’ night ride sounds great! It looks really beautiful in the bluebell wood. I will definately be there on the 10th.
Look forward to seeing you then.