You may have heard of Jack and Sam Wells, they're brothers from Frome who are pretty flipping handy with a shovel and even more so with a bike.
Having suffered the loss of many a 'secret spot' the brothers Wells have decided to team up with the BCC to build some great freeride trails at the Allotment.
To give them some ideas, and show them something outside their normal frame of reference Chris Smith, Ian Crook and I took them to Glyncorrwg yesterday to ride Whites Level.
The weather was pretty bloody awful; raining sideways with the trails running fast (with water) . Jack definitely had the most fun on the climbs; pushing a big ring with road cassette whilst wearing the least technical clothing and biggest trainers he could find. To be honest all three seemed stoked to be spending so much time going up, at one point I heard Chris ask if we could session the climbs rather than do a full loop. All this whilst Sam was trying to convert Chris, Ian and I to many benefits of riding glove-less.
After The Black Run and Windy Point all three had cheered up no end, but that didn't last long: Halfway through Energy Jack lost grip of his bars (due to hand cramp) and crashed onto rocks. Not good. Due to his distinct lack of gloves, Jack's hand was gashed pretty deep as was his left knee. For Jack and I that was ride over, as we walked and rolled our way back to the Drop Off cafe. Ian, Sam and Chris went on ahead to sample the delights of Goodwood and the Darkside, leaving each with a rose tinted view of that first climb.
The Drop Off cafe was as welcoming as ever, and a hard place to leave, but with dinner to get back to and three hours of road works, side winds and rain to battle we headed off.
I think we all learnt a few things yesterday;
Ian learnt that the M4 goes all the way from London to Swansea,
Chris learnt that its almost impossible to find a back issue of MBUK that doesn't have his face in,
Jack learnt that gloves are more than just a fashion accessory,
Sam learnt that 1 man, 2 bike relay riding is bloody tiring,
and I learnt that eating jam and coconut sponge with custard after a Drop Off main causes an almost instantaneous urge to sleep.
Jack and Sam will be working of their new trail very soon, so check back here if you'd like to be involved.