Many of you will be aware we raised some money earlier on this year so that we could afford to train some members as ride leaders.
With an ever growing club it's become increasingly important that we have trained leaders (and first aiders), both for insurance reasons, and to ensure that we can lead safe, exciting rides for all of our members.
- Are you interested in becoming a ride leader?
- Do you feel that you have some of the skills to lead small groups on rides?
- Do you have the time to commit to leading a number of rides every year (don't worry, we don't expect you to be available all year round)?
We will be using the CTC to provide all Ride Leader Training, and affiliated organisations to provide the associated First Aid training.
Full details of the courses are here:
This really is a great opportunity to learn some new skills and help out the club, not to mention the fact that over time you could become a fully qualified ride coach (and that's a pretty nice feather to put in your cap).
We're looking to train 6 people, including at least 1 woman, as soon as possible.
The club will pay for all the training, with an initial payment and then incremental payments over an agreed period. Having said that we are completely open to discussion on this subject, so if you'd like to do it but feel that this payment format just isn't quite right; let us know!
If you're at all interested please contact me.
o7870 60 98 71