This here website, that you are reading this here post on, is all about the BCC. Its about what we do, why we do it, how we do it, when we do it and who's doing it. When you stop to think about that, and consider we now have over 90 members, that's a lot of stuff to keep up to date and easy to find.
As part of the autumn committee projects, I've picked up the website baton (that had been hiding under my desk) and shall be trying to improve not just the website, but how we communicate with our members as a whole, and indeed, how they communicate with us.
We need to make sure we are communicating beyond our existing members too. Potential members and other interested parties are important website users too.
So, all that said, there are a few things we know we need to do...
- Improve the website usability.
- Improve our use of emails.
- Improve our use of social media for 2-way communication.
.. and indeed there may be more. Which is where you come in. What do you think we could do better? Is there anything we don't do you think we should? Are there things we do do that we shouldn't? Would you rather the website was purple and yellow? Please let us know! 🙂
There is a forum thread for members to comment in here, you can also comment directly below and/or anyone is welcome to send an email to We promise not to take anything personally, so please, be honest.
And no, I wasn't serious about the purple and yellow...