Over the next few months we'll be working to design and build three new trails / trail areas; project Groovy Blue, project Skills Area and project Spine.
Chris Sheppard, Chris Smith and Ian Crook will be leading each of these projects respectively, with the full support of the rest of the committee.
These projects have been the topic of discussed for some time, but with so many things going on in the club we've been unable to fully commit to any of them up until now.
We will be following the existing industry best practice so that we can ensure we achieve high quality sustainable trails. The Forestry Commission highlight 7 stages of Planning, Constructing and Monitoring Mountainbike Trails:
- Information gathering
- Concept planning
- Creating a specification
- Construction of the trail
- Interpretation and signs
- Completing the work
- Monitoring and maintenance
All three projects are currently hovering around stages 1-3, but we're aiming to get to the end of stage 4 and start of stage 5 by April 2010. This won't be easy, and will require a lot of fund raising, so we'd really appreciate your help. Keep checking the website for progress and please contact any of the project leaders if you have any questions.
Thank you!