9 riders turned out for the ride away this month, 5 of us travelled in style in Chris Sheppards new bus/postal van/Ferrari (very handy for dodging down bus lanes).
We completed a "classic" loop of the Timberland trail, it was great, so great that Ian felt the need to leave an imprint of his face and the local Flora. After stopping for a bit of first aid and the very artistic application of some dressings we retired to the Cafe for some tea-hydration.
On the second lap we rode a modified loop to take in some more of last years Bristol Bikefest course. There was an impromptu group detour and some "lost sheep" that needed rounding up but no other major incidents - unless you count Marjory going over the bars...!
Back to the Cafe for more tea with Egg & Bacon rolls and a Caramac bar - burp! Nice.
Check out the calendar and forum for details of our next BCC XC Ride Away...
Tree Hugging ?
I thought it may have been part of a dance…
Whoops…I read that as “..handy for DOGGING down bus lanes….”
Must put those night vision binoculars away now that summer is upon us….