This months TickerTape we will be using Puppets for the first time thanks to all the hard work and tremendous effort people have put in at recent dig days (thanks)!
We'll be using the Judy line (swoopy one as apposed to the drop line, called Punch) to lead into the new bottom section of trail, then the very bottom of the course which will be a suprise section of cleared but not raked virgin trail (which will be loamy lushness all day long).
Given that 'battery hill' is so steep and stepped there will be an alternative option for those who don't fancy taking it all on at once.
As always we'll have the freelap system up and running, but remember it's just a bit of fun so no need to take your peak off.
So, all you need to bring is a working bike (with 2 working brakes) and a full face helmet. Oh and some beans...
Puppets (judy line)
11:00 - 15:00
Members only (non members can watch though...)
Not fair