This months Tickertape - 'super-duper, down to earth, timed & taped downhill event' , is on Saturday 19th June.
Our old friend BBMS has had some new organic surgery to his/her lower half and we will be riding him/her all day after we've dressed him/her up in stylish shimano tape and stuck some freelap timing poles up the top and down the bottom of him/her. Some help undressing him/her at the end, leaving BBMS in peace to rest will be commended by the wood gods and will give you good luck in your future bicycle antics.
Riding at a Tickertape is limited to club members only, whom must wear a full face helmet, but anyone is welcome to come along and spectate. There is no entry cost, however donations are very welcome to cover the costs of Tickertape events and to help reach our target of being able to purchase some more freelap watches for the club. So, if you feel like 'buying the tickertape a pint'.............. please do.
The weather looks good, but a word of advice is to bring insect repellent or some money to purchase some avon skin so soft (what the marines use in the jungle as insect repellent, apparently) for £3 from the club.
See you soon amigos.