We'd all like to say a special Thank You to Jonny Ashelford for organising the Follow Me raffle that raised over £100 for the BCC!!
The film was cracking with most people struggling to refrain from making "brappp" noises or giggling like little children at the awesome trails and tricks being drenched across the cinema screen.
After watching Follow Me we were treated to a screening of Seasons with the added bonus of some french subtitles....all we can say is that we wish we'd paid more attention as none of us can remember what the french for "gnarly" is... "le gnarrrr" or something like that I guess...?
Cheers to the following companies for donating to the raffle: John's Bikes, Thor, Follow Me and KCNC and to all those who bought tickets and came along for the ride.
Hi Andrew I now have a bona-fida DVD of the Follow me film if some of the lads would like to watch it for the first or second time perhaps we could arrange a showing to help the funds a bit more.
Cela était extraordinaire dude!