Ok, a little dramatic, but it really is very important that you know what to look for, how to prevent getting them and also how to get one out should you be unlucky...
We've created a Tick page in the 'about' section of the website, and included details on the FAQ's but please do take the time to read the advice below as Limes Disease is pretty horrible but is known to be carried by ticks in the area.
Thats good advice folks. You’re on the ball Andrew looking after the members of this club.
i got bitten by one of these a few weeks ago so i pulled it off but im safe because it was still alive after i pulled it off and its head was still intact, am i correct on this?
um…,. yeah, the key is making sure that you remove all of it without squeezing its body. The best advice is on the LDA website so visit that for full details… 🙂
aaarg i actualy cant stand the things!! i swear i get them every time i go riding, i found once on my stomach from tickertap and like 3 the last time i went, it may be like every time but its worth it XD
I Hate theses things as much as I hate, not riding! I found 1 after tickertape then 3 more the day after! How or where they were hiding god only knows.