Our TickerTape DH Jam format hasn't changed much since the first event well over a year ago...
1 x taped DH course
1 x white board + pen
1 x freelap system
It's a jam, not a race.
It's about having a laugh not psyching each other out. People always cheer each other on (and wind each other up)...
Sure you're against the clock and there can only be one fastest time, but that's between you, the hill and you're ability to ignore the massive shouts of "PEDAAAAAAALL" from the onlooking crowd.
Beans have always played a big part in every event, whether its trying a drop for the first time, fully committing to a rooted corner or doing 17 runs in an afternoon. Giving it some beans is always rewarded.
This month Will Hardy took the fastest time, winning the coveted sticker for the first time ever by 0.38 seconds.
Jamie Friel showed more beans than most improving by a whopping 30 seconds over the course of the day. It was his first ever TickerTape too, and he was going for it!
Jamie McDougall also gave it plenty, suffering from about 27 punctures and hitting almost every tree in sight. Committed.
After the event was over and tape collected we spent the rest of the afternoon sessioning Spork and riding trains down OneFourThree...it doesn't get much better than that.
Thanks to everyone for helping set up and pack away, to Andrew Grace for the doughnuts and bananas, to Max Bikes PR for the awesome prizes and Shimano for providing the race tape.
Looks like you all had a great day there.
I came first in my section of the Wobble Challenge yesterday, So can’t grumble to much.
Yeah Will!
hey look a tramp bike! wonder were that came from?