What is it?
Its our monthly club timed practice day on one of our taped downhill tracks using 'freelap' timing equipment and kindly donated 'shimano' tape. This month we're timing on 'Puppets', check out the helmet camera footage of 'Puppets', the second one, after '143'.
When is it?
This Sunday (22nd) 11am - 3pm
Where is it?
The Allotment, our home in the woods
How can I take part?
You need to be a member and bring along proof of your membership to take part, it doesn't cost any money to take part in a Tickertape. The only cost to you is the cost of your membership for the year. There are a few rules though; Your bike must have 2 working brakes and you must wear a full face helmet to take part. Also you get 2 runs with a 'freelap' watch, then you must let someone else borrow it. This is known as the 2 run pass it on rule. There's no limit to the amount of runs you can record in the 4 hours, Will managed 17 one day!
I hope to see many people there, help setting up and packing away is highly praised, and don't forget to bring beans, you know what I'm talking about!