Thanks entirely to the hard work and paper cutting skills of Andy Grace we're very pleased to announce the first BCC 1 in 100 Lottery.
It's pretty simple really, there's 100 tickets, each costs £10, and once sold they'll all be put into a "hat" then three winners will be selected at random.
- First prize is £500 cash.
- Second Prize is £50 Kushi Clothing vouchers.
- Third Prize is £40 Batchelors Cycles service voucher.
So there'll be some very happy winners, and best of all the club will raise £500 towards trail building activities, beans.
We'll me making the draw at the AGM on 27th March so get yourself a book of tickets and get selling. There'll also be a prize for the most tickets sold!
Am I allowed to enter? Or will everyone get annoyed?
Of course you are! 😉
Because I am so un-fit, after the Tickertape I was knackered so I had completely forgotten what you said about buying tickets. i.e. where and when we can get them?
So long as you are over 16 you can buy and sell these tickets. There’ll be a prize for the most tickets sold too.
Tickets are available from me, so if you want to buy some / take on a book of 5 to sell then get in touch…
Andy I think I’ll want 2 books (10) can you hang on to them for me and I’ll try and collect this week?
hokey cokey…
50quid a book yes?
Yeah, the tickets are £10 each, you can buy as many as you like, we’ve just grouped them in books of 5.
So long as you are over 16 (and follow the rules) you can sell tickets, on the clubs behalf…