100 is a pretty big number
it's 14 more than 86, and that's pretty big too
as numbers go, 100 is like 67 giving it 150% or French for "the whole lot".
Back in April we said " wouldn't it'd be great if we could get to 100 members by year 2". We didn't really know how, but we thought we'd try.
Well we currently have 97 members, I wonder who'll be BCC0100?
i have two mates that will join next year, when does member ship run out?
I like the idea of a big boat full of members….. but rest assured if we had one it’d never run out!
As for the membership year; it runs from April 1st – March 31st the following year. So, if they’re waiting until the start of year three, then they can join up on the 1st of April 2010.
Timmy Armstrong + Dad + Brother are hoping to join
They best hurry up if they want that special membership number; we’re at 98 now!