Hi all, an update on the DH side of things.
As you are all aware we have been working on the DH tracks at all dig days. The work is to refine existing tracks to allow weather proofing and making them a bit more ballsy.
These alterations have been amazingly successful and a big thanks to all those who now ache due to digging so hard. We now have almost weatherproofed trails, 3 dope new drops to progress your huck skills and 3 varying tracks offering different ride experiences.
Into the future we are looking at Puppets, an old track next to 143. This is steep and gnarly. There's a thread on the forum about this, so please read and drop us a reply. Thanks to those who've already replied, it's all been very helpful. We will try to stay true to the original but we have to make it more weatherproof, etc. Work will start on the next dig day so your hands + riding input will be much appreciated as always.
Peace out ya' all.