We really need to raise some money to buy some more freelap watches for use at TickerTape races...
So, we're asking our TickerTape loving members to get creative and think up ways to (legitimately) raise some doh.
What about...
A sponsored ride.
A week of doing chores around the house.
1000 press ups in an hour.
Bunny-hop your gran.
Going a whole week without saying "rad", "dude", "yeahhh boi!", hi-fiving or greeting people by saying..."sup".
Or, just rattling a big bucket at a supermarket checkout whilst dressed as a brownie.
Whatever you can think of and successfully carry out without stealing, hurting or defrauding other people is cool.
So now for the best bit...
All proceeds will go towards buying freelap watches (which is obviously very cool), the top three fund raisers will win some cool prizes AND whoever raises over £100 will have their name put into a hat to win this brand new beautiful commemorative signed copy of STEVE PEAT WORLD CHAMPION- SEVENTEEN YEARS IN THE MAKING - something that money simply can't buy (he only signed 100 copies, we ordered this one within minutes of it being available and got #15, the rest have all since gone) !
So go on, download the sponsorship sheet (you can use as many as you need) and get fundraising!
The closing date is Friday October the 1st.
All money collected for this fundraiser must be given to the BCC or returned to the donors.
Money can be donated personally and / or raised by sponsorship.
The BCC will spend all of the money raised from this fundraiser on Freelap watches and timing equipment for use at TickerTapes.