There were a couple of rather tired and creaky participants at the start of this ride who would have sloped off home given a dark cloud and a couple of raindrops. But, fortunately, the weather was clear and after a nice easy start to the ride along the lanes everyone was in better fettle. We were glad to welcome Helen to the fold, and true to the blithe spirit of the group, we followed her along a new route to Shearwater which gave fine views and missed some of the nastier muddy ascents.
We were blessed with a total absence of mechanical failures. Juliet and Rachel deserve special mention for upping the sartorial elegance of the group. That was some fine new kit and I for one am definitely liking the "technical-but-chic" look! We had been taking dry trails for granted, but Helen showed her mettle and took on the return muddy tracks like a demon. Caroline kept us all together and showed us how to take the ford with panache.
There is some disruption to the usual routine with quite a few people away at half-term etc. Remember there is the Anniversary Ride 3.30 till 6pm on Monday 25th which would be an excellent start for any new girls who are interested.