18:41: Arrive at Horse and Groom, due to bad parking there are far fewer spaces than there should be. Fit lights.
18:44: Al arrives.
18:51: Al leaves - he's forgotten his shoes.
19:07: We set off, Simon tries to hitch a lift from Marjory on the first hill.
19:12: Sheppard's Woods, the trails are bone dry and bluebells are everywhere.
19:40: Al returns to the group, with shoes.
19:45: Reach the Allotment, most of the group ride BBMS, Mark rides 143 in full for the first time, then begins planning for his imminent DH bike purchase.
20:08: Singletrack down to Center Parcs, skids and hops off mounds are the order of the day.
20:19: Fast descent down to Shearwater. Attempts to force Chris off and overtake him are futile.
20:43: Chris leads us into Singletrack that is cut short by felled trees, we abuse him then continue.
20:51: Finally dark when in the trees, nearly crash when I completely fail to notice the final large sleeping policeman.
21:00: Sprint down Longleat drive.
21:03: Still recovering from sprint down drive.
21:08: Final section of off road in Sheppard's woods, it is now pitch black which makes a simple descent much more challenging and a steep slog just as tiring.
21:15: Return to the pub, throw bike in car, enjoy pint of Landlord, good chat.
22:45: Bedtime.