Ok, so its getting close to this now.... which is pretty exciting; there'll be Transition bikes to test and a new record to set on the new full length spoons!
The format will be the same as usual except for a compulsory sign in at the beginning and a '2 run then pass it on" rule for the watches so that everybody gets a good go at setting some times.
We'll also be opening the event up to non members for this occasion only so long as they complete a registration form, are signed in by a member (who will be responsible for them) and pay £5 (all of which can be done on the day). If you don't know anyone but would like to come along and watch then that's cool, just email me for details ( andrew.denham@blackcanoncollectiv.co.uk ).
We'll be providing American hotdogs local Sausages, home made cakes and drinks for free to everyone who turns up, rider or spectator, so bring some mates, your dad, or even your nan but remember that pets won't be allowed unless on a lead at all times.
All the courses will be open all day, but only Spoons will be open for timing between 10:00 and 15:00 after which the prizes will be awarded. There's no start times or limit on the number of runs, and food will be served all day too making the whole thing a real relaxed event.
There's a real buzz about this event now; MBUK have even asked if they can cover it, so put your make up on and do your hair if you think you can challenge Mr Smith for the press exposure.
Hope to see you all there!
Remember: full face helmets only.
cant wait, I only have one issue – american hotdogs, If I remember rightly theyre the same as european hotdogs I tried in Norway and are absolutely terrible. I’m a vegetarian now so am not interested in meat, but from my years and knowledge of eating meat, I would advise against eating any sausage, but if you like sausages get local wiltshire sausages with local apple, leek etc, theyre the only decent ones.
No offence to America, but I just cant stand american ‘weeners’. I do suggest we get some North American ‘root beer’, is not alcoholic and tastes amazing.
You’re right Ben, they’re pretty bad, to be honest we were trying to think of hot food that was easy to provide and that most people likes but American Hotdogs aren’t the answer!
So we’ll now be offering sausages from my local butcher, which are lush and judging by the success of ‘Sausage Sundays’ at the Griffin (Frome) are liked by all.
Cheers for the feedback Ben!