Each spring the Black Canon Collective holds it's Annual General Meeting, a great opportunity to all meet up, eat drink and be merry (actually this is only our second time)!
Aside from being an excuse for a party there's the usual business to attend to such as committee elections, constitutional changes and a look at the year ahead...
We've hired out a great venue (big enough for all of us) and will be selling some delicious local food and drink (beer and cider and soft drinks) to raise a bit of money for club activities.
Date: Sunday 25th April 2010
Time: 19:00 - 21:00 (licensed bar open until 11)
Place: Corsley Reading Rooms
Meeting to start at 19:15
1.Welcome - General welcome and explanation of the purpose of the meeting.
2.Apologies for absence - Notable absentees
3.Treasurers Report + Accounts - Presentation of previous years accounts + proposal of forthcoming years budget.
4.Chairman’s report - Summary of the year including plans for the coming year
5.Voting - 15 minute break with refreshments and the time to vote (see item 6).
6.Election of the Trustees and Committee - Conducted via ballet box on the day.
7.Proposed changes to the Rules of the Club and Constitution - Changes voted in by way of an open vote.
8.A.O.B. - Anything from the floor / committee
We're expecting the formalities to last about 2 hrs max (allowing for about half an hour for A.O.B)
Once all that's out of the way we'll be able to enjoy the rest of the evening with more food and drink, some music and and the odd raffle (or something like that). Please make sure you bring your wallets, and arrange a lift or ride your bike (off road of course) so that you can have a drink, or two... See you there !
For details of the proposed constitution click here
For details of the committee elections click here
Is this the car park, round the back? http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=113909348242315521222.0004822f6ba5ee29ef238&t=k&ll=51.20726,-2.25709&spn=0,0.009656&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.207297,-2.257252&panoid=2dbW6FK-UEbdHJi8whcmkg&cbp=12,237.74,,0,18.3
That’s the one!