We've had our existing constitution and club rules for two years now, and to be honest they're outdated. When we formed the club back in spring 2008 we had very little to go on, so cobbled together what we hoped would be a good set of rules and a suitable constitution.
Since then the BCC has evolved from around 20 local riders who all rode the same trails, to over 110 members with many and different needs and riding interests. The Club has expanded in more ways than simply its membership base though, we now run a large number of led rides, events, provide training and organise trips (we're doing great!)
But with all of this comes responsibility, so we have had to re-visit these documents to make sure that the club is sound - built upon solid foundations.
With the help of British Cycling (specifically national board member - Colin Docker) we have re-written both the Club Constitution and Rules, based heavily upon the BC template.
These documents will be proposed at the AGM and be subject to vote, so long as a 2/3 majority vote is cast in favour they will replace our existing documents.
Please have a read (you can browse the whole document below) , and come along to the AGM where you can vote...
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