Some of you will know that we've enlisted the help of a friend of mine - Joe Duhig - to design our club logo.
Joe sent me this mail earlier today with some initial rough ideas.
Right, finally got a bit of stuff for you to look at; they're just some initial ideas and still very rough, so I've attached some of the stuff I'm using for reference to hopefully give you an idea of the kind of direction i'm heading in.
basically I've started working using two monastry/churchy window formats, a circular one and the standard 3 arches, but I'm trying to use silhouettes of bike parts to construct them and form the logo.
I've also attached some reference for fonts and how the type might look.
it's all still at a very early stage, but don't hesitate to voice any queries or concerns, or add any thoughts/ideas of your own!!
We are all really grateful to Joe for doing this in his spare time, and thrilled with what he's come up with so far.
Please give some constructive feedback by leaving a comment bellow.
I like the top left (Logo 1) and top right (Logo 3) the best, although I think Logo 3 would be better with the letters in correct order at the bottom of each “window”.
Still, they are all good!
I like Logo 3 also! I agree the letters should read from left to right rather than from top to bottom but NO don’t move the letters as it would effect the balance of the whole design. It looks great as it is. Website, club and identity are all top banana. Can you add more action photography in time to the site? You must have plenty to inspire… :0)
BTW 2nd fav is Logo 4 – very relevant and striking. It’s hard to pick between these two as they’re both so good.
Err, may be just me, but BCC looks like GCC in that font…
Which Rose Window is that? Looks like St Albans… 🙂 (ducks and covers)
tbh, I’m more in favour of playing up the monks connection rather than general MTB stuff, but that’s cos I am difficult like that and esoteric is best for me.
I like the top left one, the middle top and bottom ones, however I’m not to keen on the font for the B and C’s
I’m unsure about the retro STI levers, which look like a rip off of the new Shimano XT brake advert… Also, the B looks like a G, as Bob says. I like the posts, but they do look like skis. I’d go with top right, but with a different font so its a better B and then removing the STI levers to just leave the brake rotor. If we did that we’d then have to make the signs onsite look like that too 😉
I really like them all.
I agree that the font isn’t quite right, but that can easily be changed. I also agree that other than the disc rotor / chain ring shapes it’d be best to steer away from bike parts and stay as esoteric as poss.
Logo 1 (top left) with an outer border (taken from the monastry window), and different font would be my fave.
What happened to “the logo needs to be simple” ?
Nothing – I agree some are currently a little cluttered, but not to the point of being complicated.
Besides these are essentially first drafts – why not give constructive feedback on the ones you like and how they can be improved?