It's that time again...
As you are all aware this months dig day is Saturday 11th and we have quite a bit to do!
The day will start at 09:00 at the 'Allotment' and will run until 16:00 ish (as it'll be getting dark and some will want to tart themselves up for the NWD9 premier in Bath).
The agenda is as follows:
- Registration
- Safety Talk
- Walk and roll through the proposed 'Rudolph' line (vote on it's creation)
Then we'll all spilt up into groups to work on the following:
- Tidy existing tracks (raking, course marking etc)
- Erect the last two signs
- Collect all fallen wood and cut into usable lengths then pile near the Jump spot
- More digging at the Jump spot
- And depending on the outcome of the 'Rudolph' vote we'll have a team working its creation.
Please bring your own tools, though remember - no power tools (Fin!). Park sensibly as per the club rules and try to car share wherever possible. Importantly you'll need to bring your own food and drink as the club won't be providing either this time. Sorry.
We look forward to meeting the new members and really hope you can all make it. If you aren't a member yet then please also come along we'll be pleased to meet you and show you what we're doing.