Due to a potential clash in September between the Tickertape and The Cobble Wobble, this weekend's Dig Day and the August Tickertape in a fortnight will be moved to the Sunday instead of the Saturday.
That means that we hope to see you at the Allotment at 10am this Sunday for some digging, raking and building!
wat date is tickertape? and wat track is it or is it tripple crown?
Ian’s updated the club calendar now…
Triple Crown won’t be in September as the Cobble Wobble would be the next day and that’s far too much fun for one weekend!
So, if we’re gonna have a summer Triple Crown it’ll have to be this month – but that all depends on whether or not it’s possible to run with such short notice.
We’ll have to give it some thought and get back to you asap
thanks 🙂 and il be at digday
Sorry Guys going to France on Sunday. Wish i could come and help out.
Never seen a mole with a shirt & pick axe before….