Just a heads-up, really. Road-racing makes a return to Victoria Park in Bath for the next four Wednesday evenings. Many friends of mine from a previous life will either be organising or competing so I'm going along to watch (and wish, misty-eyed, that I was still that young and fit). If anyone from the BCC would like to join me in spectating, they'd be very welcome.
This kind of closed-road circuit racing is fast and furious and given the narrow nature of the roads, chicanes and gradients in Vicky Park, it should make for some amazing viewing.
If none of you have ever seen a circuit race, come and see what road bikes are really for and what proper fitness looks like! First race is this Wednesday evening (4th May), then 11th, 18th and 25th May. If anyone would like a lift, gimme a shout.
"Bike Racing Returns to Victoria Park in Bath.
It has been many years since the smell of embrocation has wafted around Victoria Park in Bath but it's going to be back for four Wednesdays in May. Next month sees the exciting return of the Bath Cycle Races and with a slightly different format compared to your average bike race you're promised some hard and fast racing from the off.
With the support of Bath and North East Somerset Council, British Cycling and with the collaboration of four local cycling clubs (Somer Valley CC, Avonlea-Treasure RT, Velo Club Walcot and Bath CC) spectacular racing returns to Victoria Park each Wednesday evening in May with a 6.45pm start. And with an overall prize fund in excess of £2,000 the competition is bound to be fierce.
Each race will be an action packed fifteen to thirty minutes long. There will be separate races for Youth A/B, 3rd and 4th category riders and women, with the evening of racing finishing with the Elite 1st and 2nd category race. Series leader and points leader jerseys will also be awarded after each round."