Yesterday we completed the lower section of puppets, raked and groomed the whole trail and then smiled as we imagined racing it in two weeks time at the next TickerTape.
We drank tea, ate chocolates and debated the ethical robustness of GM food (I know....not what I was expecting either).
The afternoon was spent trail doodling, sketching a new lower section for BBMS with our tyres.
Turns out we did a pretty good job, getting the feel and flow just right, so we raked it to unearth the ground features and define the trail.
Clearing loam (a foot deep in places) really takes it out of your arms and back, but seeing the trail evolve is infectious so we carried on raking until we couldn't anymore.
3rd May 2010Archive, BCC, Dig Day, Thank you, Volunteering
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Good stuff – looks a great section.
Yeah…it rides nicely too. Needs some bench cutting , a couple of slam berms and for the very bottom to be cleared but that’s all do-able at the next dig day if we get a good turnout!