We're holding a night of tape rolling, food and ....well, more tape rolling, on Monday (that's tomorrow).
We've used up all 3000m of shimano tape now and despite a pretty fantastic effort at the last committee meeting we just can't get to the end of the massive bundle.
So, PLEASE come along and help out - I promise you'll get some good food and if you try hard enough some RSI too!
Monday 16th, 19:00-21:00 (see the forum for location)
If you can make it please say so below (we need about 8 or so people to make this worth doing)
p.s. We get given this tape by shimano and as we can't hold TickerTapes or Dinner 'til Dusk events without this tape we re-use it to save money and minimise waste. We're looking into getting two tape rollers but haven't found anything suitable yet so for now we need to roll this back up by hand. I'm hoping that within the next week or so we'll come up with a more practical solution (all suggestions welcome!).
p.p.s. The sausages will be worth the effort - they're the best in all of Frometownshire.