In association with Live2Ride there'll be an extra nightride next week.
A special Hallowe'en Spooky Nightride... There'll be a prize for the best fancy dress, and L2R are kindly providing free soup and rolls at the finish. Think of it as a soup kitchen for wayward nightriders.
So, Monday evening 31st October. Meet at Nockatt's Coppice car park (that's Heaven's Gate car park) and be ready to ride for 7pm.
All are welcome. If you're a qualified ride-leader then you're even more welcome.
Where is the carpark for tonight’s meet? Cheers
It’s Nockatt’s Coppice. The big one you park in if ever you walk to Heaven’s Gate. It’s got a bit Rhododendron bush in it. And sometimes an ice cream van (though not tonight).
thanks, see you there