A couple of BCC members partook in a great new MTB event last May and it's on again this year. Heaven Of The South is a charity event which we can't recommend highly enough. It is a superb weekend of camping, fun, biking, scrumpy, music and food. In 2011 the event raised over £4000 for local charities and in 2012 they are aiming higher still because it'll be bigger and better.
Those who rode there were staggered at just how good the mountainbiking was in the area. It is just *so* good that we begged the organisers (Edge MTB Club) to show us around for last June's XC ride-away and they kindly agreed.
If you only do one MTB event this year, make sure it's Heaven Of The South. You will not be disappointed!!!
"What’s On
Another change from 2011 – in 2012 we will be using the Village Hall for the Roller Racing and music. Even though the weather in 2011 was glorious, it was bitterly cold in the evening, so this year we’ll be inside. Scrumpy will be available everywhere and is compulsory.
Here’s a rough itinerary:
Camping opens 3pm on Friday afternoon.
Registration open from 4pm-7pm.
Breakfasts available on site from 7ish am.
Registration open from 8-9am.
50 & 75km rides start at 9.30am.
Food available from 6pm.
Music for dancing / singing / listening to from 8pm.
Roller Racing at 9.30pm – oooh, now you’re interested…
Breakfasts from 8am ish.
Relaxing day (recovery day). Course will be marked out for you to revisit your favourite bits from Saturday.
Campsite closes at 1pm."
Check out http://www.heavenofthesouth.co.uk/ for full details.